Oogcentrum (Eye Centre) Noordholland

Oogcentrum (Eye Centre) Noordholland is a regional expertise centre with 50 specialists in the field of ophthalmology. For the new Oogcentrum building, ophthalmologist and entrepreneur Rob Wouters worked with EGM Architects for the architecture as well as the interior and with contractor Dick de Boer for the construction. MOSO supplied bamboo products for the flooring and finishing of the counters.

Sustainability was paramount

EGM Architects created an inviting building with a friendly and professional appearance. In the materials and systems decision phase, distinctive features such as tactility and acoustics played a major role. Sustainability was paramount and the building is almost energy neutral. Together, EGM Architects and Rob Wouters chose sustainable bamboo products to complete the floors and counters. The applied Bamboo Panels and Bamboo Industriale flooring contribute to both the appearance and the desire to minimise the carbon footprint.

MOSO Bamboo Industriale Flooring and Solid Panels at the Oogcentrum (Eye Centre) Noordholland

"The decision for bamboo flooring was made from a sustainability perspective as well as the contribution the material makes to the warm and welcoming atmosphere."

EGM Architects

Are you considering bamboo?

Are you thinking about bamboo and need help finding out which product suits you best? Do not hesitate to contact our MOSO® Bamboo experts.

Edwin van Houten
Area Sales Manager MOSO International BV, the Netherlands

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