Catalan office for Medicines and Health Products

The Catalan Office of Medicine and Health is located on the famous Gran Via Avenue in the heart of Barcelona. The renovation of the 4th floor and its entrances is an area of 1.429 m², with a free height of 3.45 meter. The area is divided by an interior courtyard where a solid Bamboo Elite Density® Natural floor was installed. In the adjacent two buildings, both with similar characteristics, a technical computer floor Bamboo Density® Caramel was installed. MOSO® bamboo flooring was chosen for the natural and elegant appearance as well as the durability, hardness and sustainability characteristics.

Project details

Plan of refurbishment

The restoration and reform of Plant 4, raised a series of criteria that were considered essential:

  • Respect and enhance the existing “spatiality”
    The project recovers the original space and height of the building. Preserving the order defined by the structure, which defines the building. The layout follows this defined order.
  • We avoid the “office” space with a modular ceiling, traditional technical floor and partitions. The technical floor was a necessity to allow the installation of electrical cables, so a new, more ecological and healthy MOSO® bamboo floor was chosen.
  • The wooden windows that make up the two facades of the building have been given a new prominence, recovering the height and spatial characteristics of the original building.

"The renovation changed the established order of the building, where the false ceilings were eating away at the spacious structure of the building. The false ceiling was removed to recover the original space, generating a new installation plan on the floor. A new bamboo floor plan. A natural element that allows us to humanize this work area."

Lluis Moran Architect - moranARQ
  • Balancing the program to generate two equivalent work spaces adapted to the current needs, with a flexible workspace that can be modified over time.
    The offices and work areas are designed in direct relation to the façade or window, and the meeting rooms, or multipurpose spaces, inside. All spaces are enhanced with natural light and MOSO® bamboo Density® computer flooring.
  • Another objective defined was to carry out a sustainable project, at both an economic level, and in the use of materials and construction systems. This was one of the main reasons for the approach to the architecture and the installations, and it was also one of the reasons for choosing MOSO® bamboo flooring, which is CO2 neutral during the product lifespan.

"Bamboo as a technical computer flooring, with a Density® finish, complies with the high performance that was determined for this flooring, due to its high durability and strength compared to other woods."

Lluis Moran Architect - moranARQ

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Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions. Our MOSO® Bamboo experts are happy to help.

Sara Monge
Area Sales Manager MOSO® Europe SLU, Spain

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